Happy birthday to me

Today is my 31st birthday. I thought it might be a good time to reflect on what’s basically the craziest year of my life, and the one with the most changes.

During 2022, at age 29, I made a decision that would resonate a year and a half later and make my 2023 a lot more exciting. I asked the woman of my life, Carla, to marry me. This decision made lots of sense to me since she was not only the woman who had decided to tolerate my quirks, she’s also the most caring and incredible woman that I could ever dream of, and a life without her would be a void life. Those who have the luck of deserving her love know that there is not much more valuable than that.

Despite all the wedding planning, 2022 was a pretty quiet year in retrospective. The few months before the wedding have been the most intense of my life. Organizing a wedding is no joke, and certainly something I would never go through for a second time, but thanks to Carla’s insane event planning skills, it was 100% worth it and a wedding that none of guests will ever forget.

The first few months of 2023 have been crazy for a second reason: in May 2023 I was able to publish my first game ever. It’s a project I’m extremely proud of, and represents a milestone in my career. I feel like it’s the first really sensible project in my curriculum, and the first that I helped build from the ground up.

Of course the few weeks before a release date are really intense, and seeing the users react and enjoy the game (and also shit on it from time to time) is pretty surreal.

This last few months of 2023 hint at 2024 being even crazier: Carla and I are expecting a child. It’s a boy and he’ll come to our lifes around April. We’re getting ready for what’s probably the greatest event in our lifes and it feels quite surreal. We even got a car, not just any car but a «daddy car», bought with a family in mind and getting us officially in the adult world.